ReRecord the Handshake Blockchain
Abstract and Motivation
What is Rerecord? HIP018
Domain Management
TLDR: Direct IP Address Pointing on the HNS Blockchain
Pros of Re-record
TLDR is a feature on the Handshake (HNS) blockchain that revolutionizes domain management. Traditionally, setting up a domain involves configuring name server services to link domain names to specific IP addresses. However, TLDR simplifies this process by allowing users to directly associate their domains with an IP address at the bare top-level domain (TLD) level.
This means that users no longer need to rely on or set up additional name server services. Instead, they can point their domains directly to an IP address of their choice, all within the secure framework of the HNS blockchain. This direct association streamlines the domain setup process, offering users greater control and efficiency in managing their online presence.
In essence, TLDR empowers users to bypass the complexities of traditional domain management, providing a seamless solution for linking domains to IP addresses on the Handshake blockchain.